It wasn't too long after we departed Arles in the beautiful sunshine that we reached the pouring rain that would stay with us for the remainder of our road trip today. It wasn't the best time, but it was the only time we had, to stop and admire the amazing le Viaduc de Millau, the highest bridge in Europe, which, even in the downpour was quite spectacular to see. The top of the pylons of the cable-stayed bridge reach the highest point of 343 meters, with only seven stream-lined piers touching down into the Vallée du Tarn in the 12th Département d'Aveyron. We stopped in at the Service Area to get a good view of the bridge, and to find out more information about the construction of this exceptional work of art. One thing that struck us was the test phase of the bridge when approximately 300 semi-trucks drove onto the bridge at the same time and just sat in the middle of it to see how much give there was. Fortunately, the test was successful – no casualties in the group of brave souls who participated in this risky test. The Viaduc de Millau, which is not only the highest bridge in Europe, but also the highest bridge in the world, is part of the E11-A75 Autoroute, which claims the shortest distance between Paris and the Mediterranean. Wouldn't it be amazing to be driving along the autoroute, when all of a sudden you come across this unexpected masterpiece ?
We were just lamenting the fact that we passed not too far from this bridge but didn't change course to go and view it...what a pity!
But I'm glad that you went. And took photos in the rain!
Meilleurs voeux!!
Posted by: blueVicar | Sunday, 10 February 2008 at 08:52 PM