Speaking of méduses (see below), which is French for jellyfish, we spotted our first ones in the Mediterranean as we went in for our morning swim today. I beat Dave into the water, and as I was about to take my final plunge in, I noticed a pink blob rising up from the sandy bottom to the surface of the water. As Dave and I were inspecting it, we looked around and saw quite a few other méduses surrounding us. Then we noticed that nobody was in the water and instead, the beachgoers were all standing on the edge of the sand staring into the water at all the méduses. Needless to say, we decided to forego our ritualistic morning swim this time. Later in the day, I went back to the beach with my camera, but the jellyfish had dispersed, except for this unfortunate one buried in the sand. Sorry the picture is so blurry.
les méduses ont toujours été comme
des êtres très simples et incapables de se déplacer de récentes études ont montré qu'elles seraient en réalité capables de détwcter les obstacles et même de les éviter
Posted by: adrian | Sunday, 12 November 2006 at 01:02 AM