It was another Pizza & Pyromélodique night in Cannes. This time we went by ourselves by train and ate at our regular place, La Pizza, and then we rented our matelas at Plage Royale, instead of Plage Goëland. They don’t take reservations, so you have to get there early. We arrived somewhere between 8:00 and 8:30pm, and had our choice of wherever we wanted to sit. We paid our 12€, collected our mai tai’s that were included in the price, and seated ourselves on the beach and relaxed before the 10:00pm show. Following the regular prélude, which each week has been the music from “2001: A Space Odyssey”, it was Canada’s turn to host the spectacle, and their theme was “Fiatlux Concept”. The music was not anything we had heard before – kind of serious, and sometimes kind of spooky, and I thought there was something kind of melancholy about it at times. The thirty minutes of fireworks were spectacular once again ! This was the last feu d’artifice in competition for this summer. Both Monique and Dave think that Canada will win “La Vestale d’Argent”, while I’m still expecting Espagne to win. The winner will be announced next week at the conclusion of the Festival d’Art Pyrotechnique de Cannes. Stay tuned...